
In the last few decades, the technological revolution has changed the way people communicate and meet up. The growth of hook-up and digital payment apps alongside the use of club and party drugs such as Crystal Methamphetamine, Gamma butyrolactone, Gamma hydroxybutyrate (GBL/GHB) –  ‘G’ and Mephedrone are collectively known as chems. They are used to facilitate or enhance the sexual experience which has enabled the ‘chemsex’ phenomenon to evolve. Whilst this heightened intimacy can initially feel fun and exciting, this practice can very quickly become addictive and unable to manage.​

Food for thought...

It may be time to make some changes if:

  • the chems are starting to harm your mental or physical health
  • your work or relationships are starting to suffer
  • you’re taking bigger risks when you’re high
  • you’re starting to take chems more often
  • Feelings of anxiety and shame after using


If you have answered yes to any of these questions then this can be a strong indication that it might be time to get some support getting back on track.

  • Whether your goal is harm reduction or abstinence, I will support you to achieve your aims, but the time to act is now before things spiral out of control
  • Chems and the substances used in chemsex are not commonly known to many, hence the support is often very difficult to find and frontline services hard to navigate.

Interview with Attitude

Through lived experience, this is an area that I understand well and am keen to help others overcome. Wherever you are on your journey I am here to guide you through your choices with the time and space you need to think things through without the pressure of any expectations.​

Get in touch

If you want to talk about anything you have seen on my website, or have a question about something specific that you can’t see here, drop me an email and we can find a time for an initial and informal conversation.